Everything you need to know about Sonic Boom’s UFC Challenge

by Feb 16, 2018

The UFC starts on March 1st – are you ready?

Sonic Boom will soon be kicking off the sixth installation of its annual sponsored employee wellness event – the Ultimate Fitness Challenge! Over the course of an entire month, dozens of companies from across the United States engage in this head-to-head physical-activity contest. The UFC challenges members from each participating organization to work together to rack up as many steps as they can. And at the end of the challenge, Sonic Boom awards the winning organization from each division a $1,000 donation to the charity of its choice.

How it works

“Uh oh,” you might be thinking. “’UFC?’ Will there be … punching?”

Not at all! Sonic Boom’s UFC is based on total group average steps – not the number of knockouts or opponents pummeled. So, unless your activity of choice is kickboxing (hopefully practicing your moves on a punching bag instead of unleashing ‘em on your fellow teammates), then absolutely no punching is necessary to participate!

In fact, ANY kind of physical activity can add to your team’s total step-count, including:

  • Walking
  • Running
  • Jumping-jacking
  • Chasing toddlers (or dogs, or cats, or birds, or shadows)
  • Dancing
  • Skipping
  • …you name it!

After an 8-day Qualifier round, each organization is sorted into one of three “weight classes” (this is the UFC, after all!) based on how many steps each organization has accumulated during the qualifying round:

  • Heavyweight
  • Welterweight
  • Bantamweight

From there, it’s on to the Main Event! Participants walk, sprint, hop, and gallop their way to victory by accumulating as many steps as they can before the end of the challenge. The most dedicated members will motivate their coworkers, plan an after-work walk, or recruit someone new to join in on the fun! And the best part – it’s all for a good cause!

There’s only one rule in the UFC – wear your activity-tracking device 24/7! After that, it’s up to each team to kick up those heels and prove who ‘Booms the best!

Eric Seal

Flippant Writer Extraordinaire